Actually, before we got to Abe's Pagoda...

No, no, you must have misunderstood. I said "Abe's Pagoda."
Sheesh. Sight gags are too damn easy on the internet.
Anyway, before we got to the Lincoln Memorial we stopped off for a quickE=MC2 with Albert Einstein who's camped outside the National Academy of Sciences.
From there it was an easy wander over to the Lincoln, and we arrived just as the Park Ranger with the bathroom key was leaving. Which was only a problem because he left BEFORE we knew he was the one with the bathroom key. And even so, this was only a problem for one of us (guess who). So our visit was short. But Anna managed to stand still long enough for this time lapse of the Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool.
Yeah, we've used this location before, but this time Anna's not being fondled by a reluctant biker. So I consider that an improvement. And if you need an indication of how far the belly has come since then, head on back to week 25 for a reminder.
Meanwhile, the bladder clock was ticking, so we only had a few minutes, but Shawn did grab what might be the shot of the series if only because it has given me the ultimate confidence that this whole "being a parent" thing is going to work out just fine.
I just don't think there's any way I can fuck this up with a disembodied Abe Lincoln floating over my left shoulder. Unless, of course, there's a disembodied Abe Vigoda floating over my right. If I catch wind of that, all bets are off.
Look for week 34 before it's time to post week 35...