Saturday, September 22, 2007


Hard to believe it's been two weeks since Puck/Sam made his debut. As other parents know, it feels alternately like two minutes and two decades. Either way, we toasted our boy at 2:40 this afternoon.

Sam feigned sleep for a while, but he was eyeing that Veuve the whole time.

We only left him alone for a minute, but I guess it doesn't take much champagne to put an eight-and-a-half-pounder down for the count.

We'll have to work on that tolerance before he gets to college.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

While the family sleeps

Proud dad, grabbing a few precious minutes to post a couple of quick pics of our boy. These are all from Sam's first 24 hours--first 3 at hour 1, and the last (with mom) from his first new morning on the planet. Updates will be sporadic until we work out this whole feeding thing, but keep checking back. There's much more Progress to be made...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Quick post to let everyone know that we have a son!!! (And no, despite what "it's about time" said in the comment section, his name is not Connie. We're slightly more creative than that. Sheril.)

Samuel Thomas was born at 2:40 on Saturday. 8 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches. mom and baby doing great.

Yeah, yeah. bland, I know. But I'm effing tired, and have to go pick up the perscriptions at CVS and then take a nap.

More fun later, I promise. And PICTURES!

Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Quick update

Nothing to see here. Revised due date September 5th has come and gone with no fanfare. Maybe the original date, September 7th, will prove more accurate. Stay tuned...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day?

Indeed, there is labor on Labor Day. But it's not Anna's. It's my cousin Jenny's. Lucky mother... becomer. She started the process last night, and we've had no further updates, so it looks like Jenny's cashing in on her two-week head start over our Puck.

Meanwhile, we're doing a lot of sitting and waiting. Seeing many movies. Superbad = super awesome. The Simpsons = meh.

There was a call from some (notably the grandmothers-in-waiting) for pix of the nursery, and since "down the hall" seemed like a reasonable distance for Anna to travel, here you go:

See? Finn's impressed.

One feature worth noting is this:

No, not the diaper changing table. The collection of photos. It's the Great Wall of Child. We had a big space to fill and I found these 67-cent frames at Ikea. So I bought a shitload, and now we need to put kids in them. Send us your best ONE (OK, maybe TWO if you must) baby/kid picture, and the fruit of your loins can amuse the fruit of our loins while we loin-swaddle. We can handle jpegs, but if you've got a nice 4x6 print and can pop it in the mail, you'll get a better spot...

Finally, just for the record, this T-shirt is entirely inaccurate.