People love buying things for babies. We are delighted that our friends and family have proven themselves no exception to this universal truth. As you can see from the above photo, gifts we've received have ranged from the sublime (not pictured) to the ridiculous (pictured); the utilitarian (not pictured) to the frivolous (you think?); the traditional (um, no) to the bizarre (oh, yeah).
So first of all, THANK YOU. We thank you, Sam thanks you, and even Finn thanks you because there is now so much more to investigate. He particularly enjoys the stuffed animals. You are all amazingly wonderful people, we love you, and we love that you love Sam.
Now stop it.
In purchasing our first home, we opted for location over size. This means that Anna (and now Sam) has a neighborhood to explore and absorb while I'm off at work. It also means we are now completely bereft of storage space.
Sam has clothing to last until he's four, toys to occupy BOTH of his daily waking hours, a library of books, and all the tools of the baby-raising trade. But dammit, one more onesie and his closet is simply going to explode.
This is a happy problem. We are blessed, and we appreciate the avalanche of joy. We really do. He's a lucky boy, but I just think we're full up.
Until Christmas.