Monuments pepper DC like sequins on a prom dress, so Memorial Day provides ample opportunity for quiet reflection on the sacrifices made by our soldiers in conflicts past and present. As of this afternoon, we can honestly say that there is no group of people who do a better job of remembering the dead, the wounded, the POWs and MIA than bikers. Seriously. You have no idea.
Rolling Thunder consists of tens of thousands of motorcycles that have descended on the city each of the past 20 Memorial Day weekends to carry the flag for POWs/MIAs and veterans' rights. Not exactly make for quiet reflection, but these folks do have a way of making their point. Unfortunately, for all their lamenting about the quagmire that was Vietnam, it seems no one actually paid attention when planning our latest campaign. Interestingly enough, their parade passes directly behind the White House. Too bad there's no one awake inside to hear it.
But enough of my yakkin'. On to the good stuff. Hot dogs and beer and Puck at 25 weeks (BYO hot dogs and beer).