We were hoping that we'd find a cotillion of pro-lifers on the front steps of the Supreme Court, waggling their placards and praising Jesus, but it's getting to that slow time in DC when the humidity percentage does battle with the temperature to see which can reach 100 first, and that really cuts back on the pep of even the most fetus-loving zealot. We settled for this creepy-looking bronze lawyer baby out front.
We did manage to attract the attention of one security guard, but his main concern was preventing Anna from being captured on camera passed out on the steps. Too bad, sucka! The Constitution expressly protects my right to photograph my pregnant wife wherever the hell I want. Keep your hands off my uterus!
Then in search of a quieter experience, we wandered down the block to the Library of Congress. They have a nice fountain, and we thought long and hard about wading in it, but decided that Puck's first night in jail should be the result of his or her own raucous efforts, and we didn't want to spoil it.
Oh, and for those of you who tried and failed to leave comments last week, I've changed the settings to allow you to do so without logging in. Freedom of speech RULES! And you never know, maybe you'll end up in the Library of Congress...