Meanwhile, we're doing a lot of sitting and waiting. Seeing many movies. Superbad = super awesome. The Simpsons = meh.
There was a call from some (notably the grandmothers-in-waiting) for pix of the nursery, and since "down the hall" seemed like a reasonable distance for Anna to travel, here you go:
See? Finn's impressed.
One feature worth noting is this:
No, not the diaper changing table. The collection of photos. It's the Great Wall of Child. We had a big space to fill and I found these 67-cent frames at Ikea. So I bought a shitload, and now we need to put kids in them. Send us your best ONE (OK, maybe TWO if you must) baby/kid picture, and the fruit of your loins can amuse the fruit of our loins while we loin-swaddle. We can handle jpegs, but if you've got a nice 4x6 print and can pop it in the mail, you'll get a better spot...
Finally, just for the record, this T-shirt is entirely inaccurate.