Proud dad, grabbing a few precious minutes to post a couple of quick pics of our boy. These are all from Sam's first 24 hours--first 3 at hour 1, and the last (with mom) from his first new morning on the planet. Updates will be sporadic until we work out this whole feeding thing, but keep checking back. There's much more Progress to be made...
Our friends have a saying for those who are trying to get pregnant: they've "pulled the goalie." An excellently evocative hockey term. Of course, we never really so much "pulled" the goalie as he just kind of wandered away from the net. Either way, the result was the same, and we suddenly found ourselves seeking an in utero handle for our gestating offspring. The easy choice was Puck. A name that has a nifty built-in Shakesperean double entendre. The photo above is from outside the Folger Shakespeare Library which I pass every day on my walk to and from work. And yes, the one in the silver is Puck.