Anna has made much comedic hay out of pointing out that this was only a an Easter Egg "Hunt" in the same way that what Dick Cheney was doing when he shot his friend in the face could be considered "hunting." In reality it was more of a free-for-all with eggs strewn about in an open field thusly:
And then set upon by the madding hordes as such:
The whole ordeal left Sam a bit befuddled, though I did manage to score him a couple of plastic prizes before they could all be gobbled up by scabby-kneed, pointy-elbowed urchins.
This one was particularly grabby.
But who can blame him. When you're eight, free candy is free candy.
When you're 1/2, your parents get to eat your Tootsie Rolls.
Check back soon for highlights from Monday's Elephant Walk wherein a half-dozen pachyderms disembark from a train and parade right past our house. Followed, mercifully by a street sweeper...