Meanwhile, with the record-setting heat wave laying on top of the city like an obese, sweaty aunt*, we figured an indoor photo shoot was on tap for this week. So we picked... an indoor jungle. Perhaps the only roofed-in locale with a dewpoint higher than the outdoors. Now that's some A-1 government-quality thought process you're lookin' at right there.
We hit the U.S. Botanic Garden, where, back in December, I took the first ever picture of Puck, though s/he was approximately the size of nothing at all, and we had no idea s/he was along for the ride:
And no, you can't actually see Puck in this picture, but s/he's in the person who's in the picture, so that counts right? Of course, we had to return to the frond in question for posterity's sake. Sligtly different look this time:
Both frond and belly have grown a bit.
From the ridiculous, we went sublime: the orchid room.
And finally, for those of you looking for the full girth disclosure:
This baby's got to be showing up before September, right?
* Disclaimer: Neither Anna nor Mike have any aunts that are either obese or sweaty.