Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 38/39 - Dome Sweet Dome

This is really getting ridiculous. My favorite part of the last week or so has been just walking places with Anna and watching the reactions she gets from passers-by. Ogling is the term that comes to mind. Frequently with a gasp of horror added on for good measure, and the ubiquitous question: "when are you due?" and an unconscious step back as though her water's about to burst on their shoes. (Or the equally ubiquitous, though less polite excalmation, "you look like you're about to pop!" This second one is always from guys. Usually from winos.)

Now, with the due date just around the corner--the docs moved us up to September 5th at Anna's last visit--it's been harder to convince Anna to leave the house, much less be photographed. But there was one place I'd always envisioned as the final stop on this city-wide photographic tour.

And honestly, I think it's best to just let the belly do the talking.

That's pretty much it for the big DC tour. A grand finale of neo-classical proportions. I have officially received word that this game is now over (though I'm guessing someone could be coaxed out for an encore).

And keep an eye on this space, because if Puck doesn't take the bait, I may be able to convince Anna to start playing "citizenship roulette" by crashing embassies one at a time. If we can get this kid born on foreign soil, dual citizenship's a lock. Here's hoping the big wheel doesn't stop on North Korea!